Value Card
Value Card
Order your Value Cards here. *Note to Frazier - Provide a reason/ incentive for them to share this with their people's
Extraordinary Business Network Community Value Card
*Note to Frazier: On one side of the physical card, we will brand EBN. On the reverse side, we will brand, "Sponsored by Greetings Virginia Sales Network"
Community card PLUS strict loyalty - have a more publicly distributed card with LOTS of community discounts and a partnership with as many businesses as possible to distribute AND then an elevation to the loyalty program (by applying a sticker). This has benefits to GV and EBN members - greater potential for distribution (We can get every brick and mortar business to make some offer and then distribute card; all new neighbors get it - welcome wagon - which means that lots and lots of people are carrying and flashing their GV Community Value card in the community - which leads to the web site which features EBN membes at the top).
As a new member, You have the opportunity to be featured as a contributing merchant with our Greetings Virginia Community Value Card. This card will be distributed at partner brick and mortar locations in the community and by our EBN network members to their customer list. The Community Value Card has two parts:
1) GENERAL – This is pure lead generation and exposure. Anyone holding the card – current customer or simply community member – has access to this new customer or recurring bonus. (E.g. 5% off of electrical work, 2nd entrée for free, etc). Participating merchants – EBN members and other high profile, high value partner businesses in community – will be listed on the specific community’s web site alongside their specific offer/discount.
2) CUSTOMER SPECIFIC – This is a special ongoing discount that is available to preferred clients of EBN Members. You provide the member with a sticker to put on their card that makes them eligible for a special ‘insiders” discount with the other EBN members. This should be a real, valuable “preferred customer” discount and provided as a value add “loyalty perk” to clients.