Business Accelerator Coaching

Welcome!  As a member of the Greetings Virginia Extraordinary Business Network, you have access to ongoing breakthrough business coaching and training.  Over the next 12 weeks, I'm going to learn more about your business, connect you with resources to help you grow, and challenge you to create BREAKTHROUGHs in your business.

If you haven't already, make sure to complete the Breakthrough Business Diagnostic Interview - a 10 minute interactive interview which will help me understand WHERE YOU ARE, WHAT YOU WANT, and WHERE WE WANT TO GO over the next 90 days.  Once you complete this diagnostic, you'll be given a customized guide to the resources in the Business Accelerator based on which program most SCRATCH  YOUR ITCH.

Over the next 90 days, we want to focus on:

  • POSITIONING you as an expert and a Community Hero
  • PROMOTING you through our Lunches, our Publications, the Community Value Card
  • CONNECTING you to potential partners and influencers

Our coaching program is based on helping you FIND and FIX issues with:

  • Lead Generation
  • Messaging
  • List Building and Communications
  • Sales Conversion
  • Business Operations
  • Profitabilty and "Freedom"


Good For You if you want to...



Next Steps

Orientation Schedule

What We Deliver to Our Extraordinary Business Network Members
